We started looking for health, and journeyed to a place of homesteading, nutritious desserts, and sharing with others the joy of it all.
Every story tells of a journey. And often it is elements out of your control that determine the path.
When the idea of a kitchen on the Homestead started, I wanted to make my curated nutritous and delicious desserts that actually enhanced your healthy journey. Some smoothie bowls and juices that would be beneficial for all.
But that course was a bit elusive due to the huge cost of a commercial well required for water use in a commercial kitchen. So we turned a corner and decided to bake the best we could for our neighbors. I hope you give some of our delicious offerings a try, I certainly hope they make your journey to better health a little easier and more delicious.
Our name originates from tying all the aspects of what we do into one glorious design for our family. From chickens to milk cows, God has entertwined all the pieces of this little life into something amazing.

More about the founder...
Who I am now:
I am a mom of 6 kids, a wife for over 20 years, and a venturing homesteader. We had 4 kids in 5 years, then went on to adopt 2 children from foster care. Health conscious while trying to be balanced, grateful, and giving. Oh, and determined not to let anything steal my joy.
Who I was:
Junk food junkie, in love with sweets, and struggling with digestive issues and acne. I started my day with candy and used cereal as my primary sustenance. Vegetables were consumed out of guilt, not desire. Then we added Juliana to our family, our first foster child. Enter in copious amounts of stress and an increase in poor health symptoms. Then a Lymes disease diagnosis and extreme fatigue and joint pain. Antibiotics did nothing to help combat the lymes symptoms so I began to search the internet for any answer to my problems and slowly but surely more and more naturopathic information began to populate my searches. One naturopathic doctor in particular addressed the root issues of my skin issues and so I leaned into that path and began to see my whole health improve. I then began to apply this new nutritional knowledge to Juliana and her autism diagnosis and watched her completely transform as well.
This launched a hunger for knowledge that hasn't dimmed in almost 10 years. And then I wanted to share what I was learning with others and impact their lives as well. And then I needed to find a way to keep sweet indulgences in my life without completely undoing the work done to be healthier. And so, a dessert was born that not only doesn't contain gluten, dairy, or sugar but contains ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to increase your health.