Dr. Laura Neville is licensed naturopathic physician based in Portland, Oregon who believes that everyone has the opportunity to heal, without exception. She was days away from death at the age of 7 when diagnosed with an uncommon autoimmune disease. Conventional medicine kept her alive, but it was naturopathic medicine that made her well. Her passion in life is sharing the same naturopathic treasures she learned to heal herself, with others as she guides patients suffering from hormonal imbalances and relentless fatigue regain their zest for life. She is the creator of Energy Explosion, an online program for women in perimenopause and menopause, a speaker, writer, and medical consultant. She see patients locally in Portland and worldwide virtually.
You can find out more and connect on her website www.doctorneville.com and also take advantage of the 2 free gifts she offers on there!
Check her out on either Facebook Dr. Laura Neville, Naturopathic Dr. or Instagram @drlauraneville as well!