We all have our favorite comfort foods, and switching to the more low carb keto lifestyle can mean that quite a few foods are on the out. So I set about creating a bite sized version of each that keeps blood sugar balanced, creates soft glowing skin, and helps balance hormones.
First up is a big hit with kids. Not only are these fab as straight up fat bombs, but they can be baked and turned into mini donut holes.
Yessss! These are just like they sound. JUST. TRY. THEM.
Yep, your favorite loaded brownies, chocolate chips, walnuts, in a bite sized morsel, serving up antioxidants, omega 3's, and absolute chocolate bliss
Pecan pie a guilty pleasure? Take a bite of one of these and leave guilt behind.
You may find it nearly impossible to believe these are healthy, but I promise they are!
OMGosh. Just make them, and then eat them, fast, before your children devour them.
So. Very. Lemony. Yes, summer is here in each one of these little morsels of joy
Ummm, yes, yes, and yes. If you are a lover of mint and chocolate as a combo, rejoice.
So very indulgent. Just don't blend those raspberries in too much or you will lose the white chocolate flavor.
Little purple balls of berry bliss. Life is complete.
That's the lineup. So let me know if you try some and which is your vary fav!